episode starts off with the others greeting Goku,
who just came back to earth. Goku wonders how they
knew he was going to arrive there and Bulma tells
him that the mystery person told them about Goku's
arrival. Goku claims he has never seen that mysterious
person before and then he wonders who destroyed
Frieza. To his surprise the new guy (Trunks duh)
destroyed Frieza. Bulma explains that he is a Saiyan,
so being that naive Goku we have all come to love
(or hate), he believes Trunks is a Saiyan without
giving it any thought how. Vegeta on the other hand
explains that Goku, himself, and Gohan are the only
Saiyans left.
still a lot of questions to be answered, Trunks
asks to speak with Goku alone. They go to the other
side of Goku's impact crater and begin talking.
Trunks' first asks Goku to turn into a Super Saiyan
and Goku does what he says. Then Trunks turns into
a Super Saiyan and surprises Goku(wow i didn't know
my hair turns yellow Gosh). Trunks then tests Goku
and flies at him with his butter knife. Goku doesn't
move because he knew Trunks wasn't going to hit
him. Then Trunks says this time he will not stop
and so Goku blocks all the assaults with his index
finger (Wouldn't it of been something if you saw
him using his middle finger to block? Like hehe
I am better than you!). Trunks after being what
he calls "Satisfied" then tells Goku some things.
He says that Vegeta is his father and Goku has a
hard time believing that, but then he tells Goku
about the grim future.
will all be killed by Androids! Everyone is killed
except for Gohan. He tells Goku that Gohan was his
master and trained him in the future, but later
the androids killed Gohan too. He then tells Goku
that he died before the androids arrived from a
heart virus he recieved on Yardrat. Goku without
a second thought wishes he won't die so he could
fight those androids. Trunks surprised at Goku's
will and determination gives Goku the antidote to
his heart virus. He then tells Goku that Bulma is
his mother and Goku's knees give in and he falls
over in disbelief. Trunks then says he has to go
back to the future to let his mother know that everything
went ok. He leaves and Goku goes to the others.
And Piccolo tells Goku that he better tell the Z
fighters what is coming their way (He was able to
hear because of those namekian ears of his.) Goku
doesn't explain so Piccolo does without giving the
Z fighters the information on who Trunks is. Now
the Z fighters have to prepare... it is 3 years
til the androids arrive ...3 years too short.
You didn't See: Surprisingly I could find little
or no differences between the cut and uncut version.
There really wasn't anything you could cut from
this episode, except if FUNimation got weird on
us they might of cut the part out about Vegeta and
Bulma being his parents because all the American
viewers would have to wonder how Bulma got impregnated.
Good and the Bad: Well this episode was A-Ok
as far as music goes. Is it just me or is Goku's
voice getting more clownish as we progress further.
Just the part where he said "Vegetable is going
to be a Daddy!" was funny-sounding. The most notable
tunes are when Trunks assaults Goku with his sword
and when Trunks is giving that heartfelt speech
in his little egg-shaped time machine.
Flaws: Again why didn't Goku just teleport to
fight Frieza if he knew Frieza passed him? (This
technique is explained in the next Episode). Other
then that this episode was almost flawless.
Word: Well although this episode had a few great
parts, it also had a lot less action then the previous
two episodes. This episode was only meant to be
verbal, to explain a lot of things. There is always
the improving music score and a few funny jokes,
comments, and a good old fashioned "Your future
is doomed speech". Overall this episode did pretty
good without hardly any action.
gives it a 4/5.
DBZN Staff