episode begins with Cell taunting the Z Fighters about
how he is Invincible. The Episode flashes back to his
very beginning. It shows a dialogue between Dr. Gero
and Androids 17 and 18 (in Futures Trunks' timeline).
Android 17 Picks up the Diagram of Cell, and asks Dr.
Gero what it is. Dr. Gero responds saying "That is my
ultimate android". He then goes on to explain how powerful
Cell will become, and then orders the androids to go
back to sleep in their capsules but android 18 knocks
over some glass vials causing just the distraction 17
needed to take off Dr. Gero's head. Gero's last words
were to tell Android 17 and 18 how Cell would one day
absorb them and become perfect.
the flashback is over, the episode comes back to the
present with Cell saying he finally realizes his true
purpose, which he claims is "Not to destroy the earth,
But to be the Universe's end". Cell then asks Gohan
what he plans to do, and Gohan, who believes all is
lost replies with "Nothing, I lost my chance to destroy
you, now all is lost and we will die and join with my
father on the other side".
episode now switches over to Chi-Chi going totally insane
banging on first the table, and then on her father's
head. Fortunately for Chi-Chi, Fortune Teller Baba (Uranai
Baba) comes on the scene with her crystal ball and shows
Chi-Chi the battle between Cell and Gohan. After noticing
that Gohan's arm is severely injured Chi-Chi faints
with her father catching her.
the brief interlude from the action, attention switches
back over to Gohan and Cell. Gokou begins to telepathically
speak to Gohan telling him not to give up, showing Gohan
that the only thing reducing his power level is his
own doubts and fears of his ability to beat Cell. Gokou
then tells Gohan to release his most powerful Kame-hame-Ha
on Cell. Gohan agrees and starts the Kame-hame-Ha. The
power radiating from the two fighters is literally making
the entire planet shake, and can even be felt on the
new Planet Namek.
As the episode closes, we see Cell releasing his own
energy blast screaming "NOW YOU DIE" and Gohan finishes
his Kame-hame-Ha and releases it and the two energy
blasts meet and fight for final supremacy.
thoughts on today's episode was that it was an excellent
episode, though very little action actually takes place
in it. Some of the best parts were the re-showing of
Dr. Gero's death and Cells absorption of the Androids.
Animation in today's episode was as usual, up to its
great standards, as it has been in the last two weeks
episodes. The scene where Cell is powering up his ki-blast
was excellent. Gohan starting his Kame-hame-Ha was equally
just as good. Again, the lack of censoring adds a particular
flavor to today's episode that makes it very worthwhile
to watch. Seeing the blood covering Gohan's arm, and
forehead adds a very realistic touch to the show.
music wasn't quite as good the last few episodes music,
but was still very good. The music did coincide with
the episode but just didn't seem to portray the intensity
of Cell and Gohan as they powered up to their max. Piccolo
seemed to show a relapse into earlier days with a lot
of grunting and groaning while he lamented over his
lack of power.
Dialogue seemed to be a bit better than the last few
episodes with less ahh and ooohs that have made up most
of the previous episodes talking. Krillin and Piccolo
for once actually spoke a few words instead of just
moaning as they have been.
gives toadies episode a rating of :
Out of Seven
episodes are getting better and better. I saw some new
animation techniques by the animation team in Japan.
I have never seen anything like what they did with Gokou
when Gohan executed the Kame-Hame-Ha. Also I will compliment
FUNimation with the editing. They did a good job with
the blood cover-up (Gohan originally had lots of blood
gushing out of his broken arm). I am still disappointed
by the fact they did edit but that could not be helped.
would also like to congratulate Hiro on a job well done.
From the looks of this episode review it seems like
the best is yet to come.