Episode 185 "Gohan
Goes To High School"
The Summary
Gohan, the earth's savior during the Cell saga, has become
a teenager and is in highschool. While he was walking to his
school, Gohan noticed that a bunch of bandits with guns (how
original) were robbing a bank. Being the protector of the
innocent, Gohan decided to spring into action. But first he
would have to transform into a Super Saiyan so no one would
recognize him when he got to school (this is so he can protect
his family's privacy). After taking out the bandits, the town
appraised its new hero...the Gold Fighter. Just after Gohan
saved the bank, the pigtailed prep of pulvarizing power named
Videl showed up. Being the usual one to stop crime, Videl
was pissed that someone beat her to the job.
Sounds like she can be a Pan in the ass huh? Hehe, my humor
Next, Gohan goes to his first class which happens to have
Videl in it. After a kind offer from Videl's friend for a
seat, Gohan sits one person away from Videl. He soon learns
that Videl is the daughter of the great Hercule (Mr. Satan)and
that she is very suspicious of him. Videl starts debating
with herself on whether Gohan is the Gold Fighter. Her other
friend clears that thought stating Gohan is not super hero
Later Gohan and his classmates go outside to play baseball.
Having the dork aura on his shoulders, the opposing team tells
Videl he has to be on her team. The first batter up hits what
appears to be a homerun off of Videl's pitch--Gohan catches
it about 30 feet in the air. Later Gohan worries when it is
his turn to bat because it will be hard not to show his strength.
Sensing that Gohan is a "sissy" the pitcher aims
a fastball at Gohan and expects him to duck, but he doesn't
and it nails him in the head. To everyone's surprise Gohan
is completely unharmed and proceeds with his walk to first
base. This re-awoke Videl's suspicion and she decided to follow
Gohan to see how he gets home. Eventually Gohan was able to
lose her and heads home on the flying Nimbus. Thus his first
day of highschool comes to an end.
The Review
Animation: Today's episode probably had the good batch
of Japanese artists. As you may already know the artists usually
alternate when drawing the episodes. The character's all had
good detail, most notably Videl. The quality of the animation
was good, but there wasn't any good animation sequences in
this one since there was no fighting.
Music: All of the music in this episode was pretty
much that peaceful times score you hear at Gohan's house.
It was the usual upbeat tune they usually play at times of
peace (like before and after the Cell Tournament). The Japanese
episodes had more silence than they did peaceful music, but
you can debate amongst each other which is better. I really
had no problem with it, and I don't really think the music
is a big factor in episodes without fighting or plot.
Dialogue: Mouth movements matched! That is always
a plus. As I have stated in the past, I really don't mind
if they can't follow the japanese version word for word...as
long as the characters look like they are saying what they
are saying. But the dialogue was pretty close with few changes.
Gohan's voice may take some time getting adjusted to because
we are all used to his scratchy adolescent voice. His VA is
actually doing a superb job and I hope he continues to do
so (which I know he will do ^_-). Videl's voice isn't outlandish,
it is...normal which is all that I need. The only annoying
voices were those of the minor characters, such as the bandits
and policemen. But they are minor so who really cares.
Plot: Plot? Huh where? This is probably one of the
only few times in dbz where the episodes are not leading anywhere.
Yeah sure you are learning about Gohan's school life, but
you have no clue that there is going to be a new enemy. Ever
since the Raditz Saga, everything the Z warriors have done
was before they faced the new evil. Even the driving episodes,
you knew the androids were coming. These episodes do not hint
you whatsoever that there is a new evil. So the plot is minimized
to Gohan trying to keep his identity under difficult circumstances.
Don't worry the plot will show once the next tournament begins.
Overall: Today's episode was fairly comedic as you
watched Gohan's troubles with a teenage life. There will be
many more episodes to come, each drawing ever closer the climax
of the plot (revealing Gohan's secrety Identity that he gets
in tomorrows episode). You get to meet new characters in this
saga and get to develop a greater attachment to them. So watch
and enjoy because it won't be long before the true fighting
begins. As for today's actionless/low plot episode, it was
very interesting but may not appeal to all the dbz fans.
Kaervak gives an Overall Rating of:
6 Dragonballs out of 7