Episode 191 "The Newest
Super Saiyan"
The Summary
Not wasting any time we are in Kami's palace/temple where
Piccolo is continuing his deep meditation training which is
all that wander towards him (cute little butterflies). Dende
the current god of earth (changed to "Guardian"
here because we can't have anything to do with religion in
the CN version) quickly heals all the poor little butterflies
before they die.
Next we're at Master Roshi's place where Krillin and his
wife 18 have taken a permanent residence. Here husband and
wife can be seen sparring with each other in preparation for
the World Tournament coming in about a month. Old man Roshi
(who happens to be past his 300th birthday, no joke or typo
for that matter) is watching them train by his door while
brushing his teeth.
We then see Chi-Chi in the kitchen either washing dishes
or cooking while Gohan and Goten head out to train. She tells
young Goten to not get in the way of Gohan's training... We
are now forwarded to Dai Kaio's (Grand Kai's) planet in heavan,
here we see Dai Kaio complaining to Baba about letting Goku
go back to earth without going through him first. Right after
Baba asks Dai Kaio to train Goku he gets nervous (because
Goku is really more powerful then him) and ends his complaint.
Back on earth Gohan is concentrating in his training only
to be annoyed by Goten, who is told to sit on a rock for misbehaving.
After a while Gohan decides to let Goten train with him and
discovers Gotens incredible speed and strength... Only to
be surpised even more when Goten becomes a Super Saiyan at
age seven. Videl arrives for the flying lesson and has a very
loud conversation with Chi-Chi...
The Review
Animation: It's gotten a lot more refined and the movements
have become far more fluid then ever before. But it did have
it's negative points, the fighters weren't as detailed as
they were in the Cell saga (they will be once again later
on). Even during their training the fighters didn't have their
usual ultra-muscular look. Piccolo looked rather bland and
even Gohan's hair seemed pale (it does that often when there
not doing much), his body could have been a lot more pumped
when he went SSJ but the animators seem to wait until the
real fights come on for them to look beefed up.
Music: Music has also come along way since the old
day's but I do sincerely wish they kept the original music.
The fact that we don't hear the song "When we were Angels"
in the ending of DBZ or see Goku (who has angel wings) also
pisses me off but that's another story. Overall the music
was decent by my standards and does a lot better then some
US cartoons (usually anime retains their original music when
re-dubbed so there isn't much to compare it with)
Dialogue: Wow, now here is where the US DBZ has really
come along way since the old days of the Saiyan Saga. However
there are still some scenes where one or more characters continue
to say words that just sound corny. Some of today's best dialogue
include Chi-Chi's rather heated conversation with Videl. It
was true to it's Japanese counterpart and sounded like a classic
verbal fight between two women in english.
Plot: Today's biggest plot development includes Goten's
becoming a Super Saiyan at age seven. We also learn that Chi-Chi
has changed alot since Goku died and has sparring matches
with young Goten. We also find out that Videl and Chi-Chi
are really similar in that they can both fight very well and
not just using there fists either...
Overall, this episode was decent but by far not one of my
favorite eps... The Great Saiyaman was absent from this episode
and so was the comedy that went along with it. Animation was
average and there were no great action scenes in the entire
episode. Everything else was just average... It's a good thing
that the episodes will really take off with the tournament
coming up soon.
The Nazmune gives today's episode:
4 Dragonballs out of 7