Episode 203 "Identities
Revealed "
The Summary
Not wasting any time, today's episode begins with Gohan
pacing back and forth impatiently waiting for Goku's return.
He wants to help Videl in some way, but he realizes that he
just has to sit tight. The doctor is looking at Videl with
her father by her bedside. Krillin and Gohan are getting worried
about Goku's absence. He was supposed to be back for quite
some time now, and they have no idea why he's taking so long.
We find out that Goku is chowing down at Yairobje's place
with Korin and his wanted sensu beans. He just seems to have
lost track of time. The scene switches back to the fighter's
waiting area. Kabito and the Supreme Kai are conversing, while
Yamu and Spopovitch are standing outside the room. The Kai
tells Spopovitch and Yamu that they know what to do, inferring
something about our beloved Gohan.
"Kabito, Shabito, my Gohan will win!"-Chi Chi
Gohan runs up to the announcer and asks him if he can have
some more time because his father is getting medicine for
Videl, and he doesn't want to start the fight without her
getting cured first. The announcer tells him that for Videl,
he can take as much time as he needs. Everyone seems to be
waiting for Goku, and sure enough, he instantly appears in
front of everyone along with three sensu beans. Gohan rushes
quickly to Videl to give her one. Gohan busts into Videl's
room and she willingly takes the bean. Hercule is certainly
not happy about this, and he wants to the doctor to say something.
But it didn't change Videl's mind. Gohan rushes out as fast
as he came in, hurrying to get back to his delayed fight.
Videl is instantly cured, and she jumps right up like new.
(Did you see Hercule's face? :) Hehe.
The fight between Kabito and Gohan gets under way. In the
stands, Sharpner finds out by looking at Gohan through binoculars,
who the Great Saiyaman is. Gohan realizes this and tosses
his shades. Without any warm-up fighting, Kabito asks Gohan
to turn Super Saiyan. Gohan is very confused by this. Why
would Kabito want him to do such a thing? Furthermore, he
doesn't want to show off his power in front of the crowd,
which would reveal his abilities.
At this point, the scene switches back to the waiting area
for the fighters. The Supreme Kai starts walking towards the
entrance to the area. He stands next to the Z-fighters, and
they wonder what he's up to. He tells them not to worry and
that Gohan will be fine. He also makes them promise that they
will not interfere with the fight in any way. They are all
confused at this odd request and wonder what his plans are.
Gohan goes on saying how unnecessary it would be to show his
true power, but Kabito insists that he wants to see this power.
Back to the Z-fighters and the Kai. Vegeta tells Shin that
he can't order them around. He then asks him, "Who do
you think you are?" Piccolo tells them to show a little
respect; especially since they're talking to the Supreme Kai.
Goku and the others don't know what to say. Goku heard stories
from King Kai before about a Supreme Kai, but those were just
myths. Shin smiles after they find out his little secret.
The Review
The animation today was as good as yesterdays or better.
From Videl's detailed body, to Kabito's mean face; it all
looked grade A. This wasn't your typical episode where everything
was sort of average. This one was drawn nicely for a reason.
That reason encompasses what is to come in the next few episodes.
The last four shows, to be exact, have each gotten better
and better, this one being no exception. I especially liked
Goku's face when he found out Shin's real identity.
Hmmm... What was going on today? Just when I though things
were looking up, this had to happen. Did you bother to take
notice of the weird music playing when Kabito and Gohan entered
the fight? The whole thing sounded like it was from a place
where something totally different happened. It could have
had an intense beat foreshadowing events to come, or perhaps
eerie tones reflecting the mysterious Kabito, but what was
this? It wasn't the end of the world, but it could have been
much more refined.
I think the dialogue has gotten progressively better as
the sagas have rolled on. Todays show was no exception...
Here are some examples of great dialogue. The point where
Goku finds out Shin's identity, Yamu and Spopovitch talk to
the Supreme Kai, and Kabito requests that Gohan turn Super
Saiyan. All of these examples portray good and bad characteristics,
but the majority is good. There were certainly no choppy-lines
or bad translations; only smooth sailing today.
Hello? Today's plot was unbelievably important. Some crucial
parts to take note of are:
A. Shin's identity being revealed to all.
B. Yamu and Spopovitch having the mysterious energy meter
pointed on the Z-fighters.
C. Shin telling them that they (Yamu and Spopovitch) know
what to do.
D. Kabito telling Gohan to turn Super Saiyan.
E. Supreme Kai telling the fighters not to interfere with
the fight.
These are all obvious things that the keen observer should
have noticed. They all tell something different, and all manage
to foreshadow something. Compared to the entire Saiyaman saga,
this episode alone blows that out of the water. I can't wait
for tomorrow. (With a Shin-like grin on my face)
The Existence's Inside Line: Today's episode was almost
exceptional. I sure hope you didn't miss the show because
you're missing a lot of important details that explain later
events. Basically, this kept in your seat until it was all
The Existence gives today's episode:
6 Dragonballs out of 7...