Episode 218 "The Losses
The Summary
Goku stops Vegeta's punch once more. But why? Does he feel
something that Vegeta can't or is Vegeta just trying to hide
his fear?
We start off by seeing Vegeta in a deep conversation with
Goku. Vegeta thinks that Buu is only a distraction. He overlooks
his hidden strength, which Goku obviously notices, and this
angers Goku. Vegeta keeps his pride, though, and remains with
his solid belief that he won't give in to Babidi's shenanigans
Back with Buu...
Babidi is having a difficult time keeping Buu under his control.
Buu only sticks out his tongue and laughs at every word from
his supposed, "master". Dabura doesn't think that
Buu is strong. In fact, he takes it even further by announcing
a threat directly to Majin Buu.
Yeah, he was thinking.
Obviously, Buu doesn't like his attitude, or his threat.
Buu yells in a weird pitch and then smiles with his smirk
stretching from ear to ear. His shoulders and head raise,
and steam pours out of pores on his body.
Releasing steam, hehe...funny. Dya' get it? Ok, bad pun.
He smiles once more and then punches Dabura effortlessly
over the landscape and into a mountain. This is the first
form of aggression he's shown as of yet, and it's a clear
indication of what he is capable of.
After Dabura's quick departure, Buu continues his rampant
laugh brigade and claps all the while.
Gohan, the Supreme Kai, and Babidi all stand in awe of his
awesome strength.
Trunks and Goten...
...continue flying but soon Goten stops once more. He feels
the same odd gut feeling from before long, they jump to conclusions.
They don't understand where the power comes from. An infinite
supply is what they call it. Trunks thinks that where there
is evil power, there must be the Buu-monster. Without taking
anything into consideration, they depart just as quickly as
they stopped.
"Last one there is a monkey butt!" - Goten
We phase back to Goku and Vegeta, and the two saiyans can't
agree. Vegeta insists that Buu is only a sideshow. He claims
that his family (Bulma and Trunks) means nothing to him. He
thinks that petty human emotions are what hold fighters back,
and believes that harnessing evil energy is the only method
of winning.
Goku knows that Vegeta is only saying that to sound more
masculine. He shows Vegeta his determination to persuade his
thoughts by pushing Vegeta back and punching him to the ground.
Vegeta spits his own blood, and announces that the battle
will be postponed until Buu is defeated because he is distracting
Goku from the fight between them. Goku is glad that Vegeta
is thinking for a change, and Vegeta asks Goku to take the
sensu beans out so they can both be at full power when they
attack Buu. Goku agrees and takes the pouch out of his pocket.
While he reaches for the beans, Vegeta creeps up on him and
quickly jabs his arm into Goku's back with full force. Goku,
not expecting the move, is knocked out immediately.
Vegeta takes a bean for himself, comments on Goku stupidity
(partially correct actually), and leaves to attack Buu.
Back with Gohan...
He thinks that it would be a good time to attack, but the
Kai knows that Babidi is the only one who can seal Buu's power
away. To kill him would be foolish and a invitation for death.
Babidi knows that the revival was a success, and decides
to make Buu listen. Since Buu continues to laugh, Babidi threatens
to seal him up in his egg again.
Buu knows that he has that power so he instantly listens
for command.
Babidi is very pleased and commences his first order: Kill
Gohan and the Supreme Kai.
The two know exactly what they need to do. Run!
Gohan grabs the Kai's hand, and he flies off at his maximum
speed. Gohan says that he's very confident about that speed,
and also thinks that Buu won't be able to catch up.
Wrong again.
Buu blasts off after them with Babidi's command, and in no
time at all, reaches them. Gohan looks back, seeing no way
of his pursuit, only to be greeted face-to-face when he turns
around, with none other, than Buu himself.
He hits Gohan to the ground with one massive blow, and the
Supreme Kai is left all alone with the strongest thing ever.
What will tomorrow yield?
The Review
Perhaps not as dismal as yesterday, but still another brainteaser.
Why, in such an important saga, are we not witnessing some
of the greatest drawings ever seen? I don't know what to say.
Not only was the quality awful, but also the way that scenes
transitioned from one another. When Buu was prancing like
a pony, his movements were jerky, his speech erratic, and
his detail in the cape and face were nothing but a few lines.
His eyes were: ( , and his mouth: ) .
How sad is that?
Same as yesterday. Fine.
Insipid, uninspired, and monotonous. Today consisted of
the same tournament that has been going on for approximately
18 episodes. Is there really a need to see Hercule's useless
cheering? Even the scene where Buu crushed Dabura was short
and unexplained.
I can't understand why this episode was so underdone.
I suppose I should go easy. We did see the "King of
the Demon World" knocked out with one hit, not to mention
Gohan in the same aspect. Other than that there really wasn't
that much. The episode seemed to accomplish so much when I
watched it, but after I contemplated, I realized how off my
reasoning was. The only positive portion was the ending where
Buu is left in the sky with the Supreme Kai.
The Existence's Bottom Line: The ending was awesome...the
episode ended.
The Existence gives today's episode:
3 Dragonballs out of 7
-The Existence