Taco Bell and Saban Entertainment,
producers of the popular "Digimon: Digital Monsters" cartoon series,
are back with another big promotion. This time around it's the October
6th debut of the Digimon movie, cunningly titled "Digimon: The Movie,"
that's receiving the attention. The promotional item will be collector
"cels," cool see-through cards that offer a "freeze-frame" look at
your favorite Digimon scenes from the movie. A total of 48 different
framed cels will be offered, with the cels offered three at a time
--- plus a movie strip decorated with characters designed for stacking
and collecting the cels --- with each purchase of a Taco Bell Kids
Meal. You can also purchase random three-cel packages for an extra
99 cents each. The promotion is scheduled to run until November 15th,
or as they always say, while supplies last.